Special guest
Fiona is a friend of Fletcher's who is called upon when a second person is needed for a pinch-hit episode.
Fiona has been a guest on 4 episodes.
Episode 135: Splinter 018: Simp 'Fo Gear
May 2nd, 2021 | Season 7 | 33 mins 10 secs
bonus, primer, splinter, symphogear
This week is incredibly lesbian because Fiona is back to talk about how one of her favorite anime, Symphogear, is insanely Rider-inspired. And also it might literally not know straight people or men exist.
Episode 111: Splinter 011: Votekusatsu
October 18th, 2020 | Season 5 | 36 mins 30 secs
kamen rider, splinter
This week signals the return of a long-lost guest, and that means that this episode is NOT SAFE FOR CHILDREN OR WORK. Let's go down the ballot together.
Episode 41: Splinter 004: Six Degrees of Fujioka
June 8th, 2019 | Season 0 | 42 mins 39 secs
bonus, kamen rider, primer, showa
Fletcher and friend Fiona faff about around Fujioka, the original Rider actor who continues playing his part in some form in the franchise to this day.
Episode 26: Splinter 001
February 23rd, 2019 | Season 0 | 1 hr 37 secs
bonus, kamen rider, primer, showa
I am going to be honest: I do not remember recording this at all.